“Shoot for the moon…”
Have you ever started something and when the results did not come as quickly as you hoped, you threw in the towel? That would be a Yes for me....
When that happened, I later looked back and had regrets about my decision. One day, I had to take a look in the mirror and ask the hard question...”Why did you quit?” It’s easy to say I'm lazy, but for me, my major hurdle was self confidence. Am I smart enough, was the invitation sent to the right person, am I qualified to be here? As we are our own toughest critics, the answer tends to be no, but that's because we have forgotten. We have forgotten our journey....
This might sound kind of cheesy, but you need to be your own best friend. You, owe it to yourself and deserve your own belief and motivation. If you don’t feel that way-or if there’s some lingering doubt—keep working toward that dream that fills you with passion. Take an alternate approach if you need to gain assistance with this issue. Scale back your time commitment to something you can more easily maintain, but whatever you do, do not give yourself a reason to one day utter the words, “I gave up because I was scared.”
Most of the times when I want to turn around it’s because I’m terrified of failing—afraid other people will look down on me, or afraid I’ll have wasted my time. Being completely honest, no one ever judges us like we judge ourselves, and we always grow and learn more about ourselves through the process of striving, regardless of what we attain.
If you give up, you’ll never know how far you could have gone and you’ll miss out on being the person you’d become through the effort itself. If you do not give up though, well… it’s like this quote:
“Shoot for the moon, for even if you miss you’ll land among the stars.”
Every moment of our lives has brought us to where we are today. Every encounter, regardless of outcome, has provided the wisdom and wherewithal to strive for better. I dare you to try a different approach. Write down one goal you put to the side. Now challenge yourself to uncover reasons you were unable to attain the goal. Share your goal below and let's begin the journey to taking the steps to make this goal a reality!
Remember, life changes in the blink of an eye, so live your best life...
On Purpose!!